How Can I Sell My Junk Car In Sugarland, TX?

We Buy Junk Cars And Used Vehicles For Cash In Houston Texas

About Us
Call Us 713-454-2715 & 844-610-3279



Please contact our auto buyers in Houston to begin the inquiry at 713-454-2715 & 844-610-3279.


1. Do you have the title?
2. What is the year, make and model?
3. Is there body damage or mechanical issues?
4. Are the motor and transmission still intact?
5. Are you ready to sell your car today? 


Submitted and get you paid. Simple.

How Can I Sell My Junk Car In Sugarland, TX?

There are several options where you can sell your junk car, such as private purchasers, or even your relative who is crazy for classic cars and may have the option to transform it into an individual project.

You can likewise pick a web-based buying service like ours Junk Car Buyers R Us, we will go over the advantages of getting rid of a car with us. Selling a broken-down vehicle does not have to be stressful or complicated, so if you have any questions as far as how our process works, feel free to reach out to our car buyers who are ready to take your call now.

We buy cars in any condition as long as you have the title, so if you had made the decision to sell your car, truck or mini-van today, feel free to give us a buzz at 713-454-2715.

Who Is Junk Car Buyers-R-Us?

We are a company who buys junk vehicles in Sugarland TX, even though our location is in Houston, Texas; now servicing near Stafford, TX., Rosenberg, TX., Katy, TX. and adjoining areas. Our company has been helping people when it gets to dispose of a non-running vehicle or junk car. The Junk Car Buyers-R-Us commitment is to make the most effortless, quickest and secure procedure on the car selling process.

Why Choose Us?

As a matter of first importance, we will strive to pick up your car today.

• You won't need to haul your vehicle anyplace, regardless of whether it broke down on the road or it is at sitting in your driveway because we will pick it up.
• Our reps will ensure the quality and fairness of service as our goal is to make our car buying service is the one you can trust.
• We have a trouble-free method that will be advantageous for you.
• Almost all junk vehicles 2004 and up are taken in.

We at Junk Car Buyers-R-Us can help you to get the fairest value for your vehicle, so preceding calling us or some other buyer, you ought to get a vehicle appraisal. With this, you will get an idea of what your car is worth, and it will help you understand the junk car world.

How Does It Works When I Junk My Car with You?

From the minute you get a quote, to the pick-up of your car, the entire procedure can take around 2 hours. We realize you need to turn the page on this conceivably stressful chapter in your life. So, our drivers and reps are ready to start heading your way.

Junk Car Buyers-R-Us is our name on purpose. We make selling junk vehicles near Sugarland, TX, so simple and so easy that you will not regret from had to call us.

Don't sweat it! We can plan a pickup date that suits your busy life. You don’t have to lose any workdays; we will adjust to your schedule. Or simply send us some 3-4 photos of your vehicle to our company cell at 844-610-2779 or email us at Selling your junk car has never been this easier and faster.

How Do You Appraisal The Vehicles?

First and foremost, all vehicles have a different value due to all depends on the year, make and model; that is why our reps will request 3-4 pictures of the vehicle, especially of the physical damage in case there is.

When we make you the initial offer, it will not change if is the way it was described over the phone, our clients have been satisfied with our services, even when the payment, is not thousands of dollars. One of the principle reasons clients are happy is on the grounds that we don't wrangle you down once the tow truck is there.

How To Do A Title Car Search?

Is understandable that when you are about to buy a car you do not know anything about it, so we encourage you to follow this link

Contact Us


3842 Pinemont Dr HOUSTON, TX. 77018






I called around to sell my car... was quick, easy, and offered a good price. Driver came out within 2 hours, picked up car, and gave me cash. Happy customer!

Bianca A


Everything was fast and efficient. They gave me a quote over the phone and in no time they were picking up the car. Really happy with the service and would definitely recommend to anyone.

- Adrian Carey


Cut me off before I could get very far in my description of my car. "We only buy 2000 and up." Sad, as I had called them due to their great reviews. Oh, well. Be forewarned.

- Jennifer Bawerman

Cut me off before I could get very far in my description of my car. "We only buy 2000 and up." Sad, as I had called them due to their great reviews. Oh, well. Be forewarned.

- Adrian Carey
